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Raise some money while raisin' the roof

"Yucks for Bucks" Program

Do you own or operate a school or registered charity?

If yes, we sympathize. Raising money is tough work. We don't have all the answers, but we do have one answer:

Raise some dough while raisin' the roof with ComedySportz "Yucks for Bucks Program!

Contact us so that we can designate an upcoming weekend for your benefit. We will give you a flyer or advertisement with a coupon. You will advertise our shows for that weekend. Make as many flyers as you like. Distribute them as widely as you can. Get as many people as you can to go to our show.

For each person that brings your coupon to door on your weekend, we will donate $4 of the regular admission price to your organization - the check will be written and mailed right away.

What's in it for us? Exposure. Marketing. More people watching shows Supporting your group or school.

To discuss your fundraising needs and how we can help, contact us at 509-363-1CSz (1279) or fill out our info request form.

Other ways that we can help you raise funds:

  • We can perform as a main attraction at your private fundraiser shows. This would be a road show for you.  See our section on road shows for more information on that.

  • We can offer free tickets to our shows for you to auction, sell, or give to worthy folks. 

To discuss your fundraising needs and how we can help, contact us at 509-363-1CSz (1279) or fill out our info request form.

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