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ComedySportz and the Community

ComedySportz-Portland joins Gilda's Club of Seattle in a fund and consciousness-raising event at Microsoft in September, 1998.  At right, our team poses with Microsoft's Susan Rucker and Anna Gottlieb from Gilda's Club of Seattle (in white).

Second Harvest Food Bank

Your admission to any ComedySportz show can be reduced by $2 when you bring a can of food for the Second Harvest Food Bank. See our show, laugh a lot, help some folks put food on the table! Since June of 2001, you have donated about 4000 lbs. of food to the hungry. Thank you, CSz fans.


If you are affiliated with a local charity or church, we would like to help you. We can perform as a main attraction at your private fundraiser shows. Furthermore, we can offer free tickets to our shows for you to auction, sell, or give to worthy folks. 

Go here for more information.

To discuss how we can help you, call us at 509-363-1CSz (1279) or fill out our info request form

High School Leagues

ComedySportz is hosting, teaching and operating ComedySportz High School Leagues.  To get involved in our next season, all us at 509-363-1CSz (1279) or fill out our info request form

ComedySportz High School Leagues teach improv and theatre skills, teamwork, focus, listening, acceptance and fun.

Community Involvement

ComedySportz (SpoComedy) joins with other ComedySportz teams from around the nation in regularly donating time, money and performances to worthy causes.

We believe that laughter is a great healer, but laughter alone does not pay the bills of the hundreds and thousands of worthy charities that help Americans and the people of our world. That's why giving back to the community, through volunteerism, monetary donations and donations of services is something we believe strongly in.

Your support helps us support those in need. Thank you!

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