TacOps Version 4
TacOps 4 is the commercial version
of "TacOpsCav 4", an officially issued standard training
device of the US Army. It is a simulation of contemporary and near-future
tactical, ground, combat between United States (Army and Marine),
Canadian, New Zealand/Australian, United Kingdom (added with
the 405 AQu patch), and German forces versus
various opposing forces (OPFOR), simulating the Former Soviet Union,
China, North Korea etc. Various civilian units and paramilitary
forces are also included. TacOps 4 now supports massive multiplayer
teamplay, by allowing up to 19 players or spectators (on up to
8 teams) and an umpire to connect and fight the same battle online
via Internet or LAN (TCP/IP).

If you liked the M1A1 Abrams image above, download it here
unzip it into your C:\TacOps v4\zPhotos directory.
Photo courtesy of Scott
Most of the vehicles, unit organizations,
and weapons utilized in today's world by these forces are present
in the game. Some weapons and capabilities that are likely to be
available over the next ten years are included as options, as well
as some older organizations and weapons. The movement and interaction
of infantry and armor units is treated with great detail. Supporting
air and artillery activities are treated more conceptually.

If you liked the Leopard 2A6 image above, download it here
unzip it into your C:\TacOps v4\zPhotos directory.
The primary simulation focus of
TacOps 4 is ground operations from the perspective of the battalion
or regimental commander. You are a commander, not a gunner. Your
control of weapons fire is limited to positioning your units with
movement and disposition orders, setting minimum or maximum engagement
ranges, and designating priority targets during the orders phase
of a 60 second game turn. During the combat phase, your units will
automatically choose their actual targets.
TacOps 4 is played in turns. Each
turn consists of two phases: an orders phase and a combat phase.
Each phase occurs simultaneously for all players. During the combat
phase the units of all forces, under computer control, simultaneously
carry out their orders for movement and combat in four, fifteen
second pulses. You only observe during the combat phase; you can
not give or change orders until the next orders phase. In addition, "fog
of war" is simulated by showing enemy units (and friendly
units from another team) only if they are in the line of sight
and visual range of one of your team’s units. You may also
choose to see all units at all times.
TacOps Publisher Website:
The TacOps publisher, where you can buy the game and download patches
and other goodies.